Guidelines for psychosocial interventions and psychotherapy in patients with bipolar affective disorder

Author: Slađana Štrkalj- Ivezić, Ivan Urlić, Mate Mihanović, Branka Restek-Petrović

Treatment standards for psychosocial interventions and psychotherapy for bipolar affective disorder are evidence-based. Community psychiatry is the recommended form of practice. An individual treatment plan developed for a person with bipolar disorder should include the following psychosocial interventions: psychoeducation, family work and family therapy, social skill training and case management. Cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy and other types of psychotherapy based on a comprehensive model and administered by competent therapists are also recommended. The treatment strategy should be based on empowerment, recovery and quality of life as the main principles of psychosocial rehabilitation, irrespective of the model of psychiatric care delivery

Key words:
bipolar disorder; community psychiatry; psychotherapy