Müllerian anomalies

Author: Nika Mikelin, Ivan Bolanča

The Müllerian duct anomalies are the defects that happen during embrional development, and are present in 5% of the population. Considering their non-specific clinical picture, possible complications such as hematometra, pelvic inflammatory disease leading to infertility, ectopic pregnancy and endometriosis, in certain cases it is necessary to take into the account the diagnosis of anomaly of Müller's ducts in order to have a timely reaction and prevent further complications. In addition, there are many possible perinatological complications such as fetal growth arrest, miscarriages, placental pathology such as placental abruption, placenta accreta and malpresentation of the fetus, which lead to a higher incidence of cesarean section and higher fetal and maternal risk. In such pregnant women, caution and more frequent checks during pregnancy and planning the end of the pregnancy in advance are required. With the progress of radiological diagnostics that has led to easier diagnosis of such disorders, it is necessary to first pay attention to the patient's medical history and symptoms in order to notice a certain anomaly easily and as early as possible. The cooperation of a multidisciplinary team is needed in order to achieve the best possible outcome.

Key words:
endometriosis; Müllerian anomalies; dysmenorrhea; dyspareunia; infertility